
Mr. Masanao Sakamoto’s main subjects were war experiences, Sanzou Houshi, and horses.

  • January 1914 (Taisho 3) Born in Ikime Village, Miyazaki County (currently Miyazaki City).
  • 1934 Graduated from the former Miyazaki Junior High School.
  • 1935 After completing his military service, he entered the Kyoto Institute of Independent Art Association and received guidance from Kunitaro Suda.
  • 1937-40 He was convened and went to China.
  • 1940 After demobilization, he re-enters the research institute in Kyoto and exhibits at an independent exhibition.
  • 1942-45 His second convocation to Taiwan. He learns about Shiotsuki Toho at the Taiwan Art Exhibition.
  • 1947 After returning to work, while working as an art teacher, he was introduced by Ei-Q and studied under Kaoru Yamaguchi, who had been devoted for some time.
  • 1955 Graduated from Musashino Art University. He left the Independent Art Association and exhibited at the Modern Art Association exhibition.
  • 1973 He finally retired from Kunitomi-cho Yashiro.
  • 1953 Miyazaki Prefectural Exhibition (currently Miyazaki General Art Exhibition) Uninspected.
  • 1961 He is a member of the Modern Art Association after working as a member of the Independent Art Association.
  • 1963 He won the Grand Prix at the 1st Kyushu Yamaguchi Oil Painting Contest. (Kyushu Yamaguchi Asahi Prize)
  • 1966 Miyazaki Nichinichi Shinbun Culture Award.
  • 1967 Miyazaki Prefecture Cultural Award.
  • 2011 March 24, 2:02 pm Due to demencia senil, age 97

(Photograph by Mr. Setsuo Takayama.)
(Based on Seiichi Hashimoto’s record and the 2007 “Miyazaki Western Painting 100th Anniversary Exhibition”.)